
CL24520 Red Relic • Outerstellar

Red Relic


An enigmatic alien relic—a metallic, glowing key with celestial engravings, emitting an otherworldly hum, evoking a sense of ancient power.



Obtained From

Drop Name Description Drop Rate Amount
Spawner_Aura_Red Red Aura Spawner 100.0% 1

Ingredient For

Item Amount Full recipe
Exoskeleton Rare 1 50000x Aura , 1x Blue Relic , 1x Green Relic , 1x Red Relic , 1x Adv Protection Core
Adv Protection Core 1 2x Protection Core , 1x Red Relic , 1x Green Relic , 1x Blue Relic , 1x Aura Battery

Recycles Into

Bits 20 Guaranteed

Recycled from

ItemRecycles To
Exoskeleton Rare 1x Blue Relic , 1x Green Relic , 1x Red Relic , 1x Adv Protection Core , 25000x Aura
Adv Protection Core 1x Red Relic , 1x Green Relic , 1x Blue Relic , 1x Aura Battery , 1x Protection Core